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Nona Faustine

Impactantes imaxes da artista Nona Faustine, que posa núa en lugares relacionados coa venda de escravos en Nueva York, un proxecto fotográfico e performativo que expón temas tan actuais como o racismo e o uso sociopolítico do corpo das mulleres (visto no Facebook de Yolanda Domínguez)

 “Venus of Vlacke bos”, from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

Even The Comfort of a Stone Would Be A Gain”, Atlantic Coast, Brooklyn, from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

“Judgement Day”, 60 Supreme Court, New York City, from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

Like A Pregnant Corpse The Ship Expelled Her Into The Patriarchy” (Atlantic Ocean Coast of Brooklyn, NY), from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

Like A Pregnant Corpse The Ship Expelled Her Into The Patriarchy” (Atlantic Ocean Coast of Brooklyn, NY), from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

Like A Pregnant Corpse The Ship Expelled Her Into The Patriarchy” (Atlantic Ocean Coast of Brooklyn, NY), from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

“Like A Pregnant Corpse The Ship Expelled Her Into The Patriarchy” (Atlantic Ocean Coast of Brooklyn, NY), from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

“Like A Pregnant Corpse The Ship Expelled Her Into The Patriarchy” (Atlantic Ocean Coast of Brooklyn, NY), from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

Like A Pregnant Corpse The Ship Expelled Her Into The Patriarchy” (Atlantic Ocean Coast of Brooklyn, NY), from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

“Like A Pregnant Corpse The Ship Expelled Her Into The Patriarchy” (Atlantic Ocean Coast of Brooklyn, NY), from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

Like A Pregnant Corpse The Ship Expelled Her Into The Patriarchy” (Atlantic Ocean Coast of Brooklyn, NY), from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

From Her Body Came Their Greatest Wealth”, Wall Street, New York, from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustin

"From Her Body Came Their Greatest Wealth”, Wall Street, New York, from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

“On This Spit Of Land Massa and I Reside”, Pre-revolutionary Dutch Cemetery, Brooklyn, from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

“Over My Dead Body”, New York City Hall, from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

“They Tagged the Land With Trophies and Institutions From Their Conquests”, New York City Hall, from the White Shoes series, Copyright Nona Faustine

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